
I lead the Human-Centered Vision and Learning (HCVL) Grounp at the University of Birmingham. I am fortunate to work or have worked with the following members:


Hyung Jin Chang

Associate Professor

  • Postdoc @ Imperial College London
  • PhD @ Seoul National University
  • Computer vision
  • Robotics

PhD Students

Nora Horanyi

Ph.D Student
Email address
  • M.Sc. @ University of Szeged
  • Human Attention Estimation
  • Gaze Estimation

Linfang Zheng

Ph.D Student (With SUST)

  • M.Sc. @ Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Robust Object 6D Pose Estimation
  • Object Manipulationn

Tze Ho Elden Tse

Ph.D Student

  • M.Eng. @ University of Oxford
  • 3D Hand-Object Reconstruction
  • Graph Neural Network

Hengfei Wang

Ph.D Student

  • M.Sc. @ Tsinghua University
  • Gaze Estimation
  • NeRF

Esha Dasgupta

Ph.D Student

  • M.Sc. @ University of Cambridge
  • 3D Human Posture Estimation
  • Musculoskeletal Regression

Zhongqun Zhang

Ph.D Student

  • M.Sc. @ Tongji University
  • 3D Hand-Object Pose Estimation
  • Limited Supervision

Jonathan Freer

Ph.D Student

  • M.Sc. @ University of Birmingham
  • Novel View Synthesis
  • NeRF

Research Assistant

Yuqi Hou

Research Assistant

  • M.Sc. @ University of Birmingham
  • Eye Gaze Tracking
  • Deep Learning

Co-supervising PhD Students

Visiting Academics

  • Jaemin Na, (from Ajou University, South Korea).


  • Xuecheng Qi. Research Asistant, 2021.9-2022.2. Now @ HUAWEI.
  • Daniel Varnai. Research Asistant, 2019-2020.