I lead the Human-Centered Vision and Learning (HCVL) Grounp at the University of Birmingham. I am fortunate to work or have worked with the following members:
PhD Students
Research Assistant
Co-supervising PhD Students
- Wei Chen. (Co-supervising with Prof. Ales Leonardis)
- Haiyang Chen. (Co-supervising with Prof. Andrew Howes)
- Dalal Khalid F Aljasem . (Co-supervising with Prof. Andrew Howes)
- Emma Maria Rengers. (Co-supervising with Prof. Karen Yeung)
- Jinyu Yang. (Co-supervising with Prof. Ales Leonardis)
Visiting Academics
- Jaemin Na, (from Ajou University, South Korea).
- Xuecheng Qi. Research Asistant, 2021.9-2022.2. Now @ HUAWEI.
- Daniel Varnai. Research Asistant, 2019-2020.